Galiphrey's little web site





Peaks and a HA-3 QIII

HA-3 tri-lux (UW0J)/fatman and cyan w/ nFlex

Cyan w/ nFlex and HA-3 MAG85


A2, L4, KL1

A2, L4, KL1

HA-3 PM6, HDS, CMG Ultra-G

WolfEyes 9M, HA-3 tri-lux (UWOJ)/fatman, Elektrolumens ELX-3

blue KL3

Lumaray glowing in the dark

Lumaray fog head

Lumaray FL12RX

Lumaray glowing again

Gunmetal P6 and WolfEyes 9M (reduced color depth)

Monkeying around

This is a blue KL3

Continuing the monkeying around

Double-headed Peak

Peak Mediterranean-P4, HA-3 tri-lux (UWOJ)/fatman, Elektrolumens P4 Stunner

Purple 2C Mag with nFlex and Lux-V